Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Exposed to the world?

This is not school related but it is learning related.

Remember that show Kids say the darndest things with Bill Cosby? I loved that show, too bad they don't make show like that anymore. The funny thing about that show is how true it is. Kids really do say the darndest things. We can't get upset with them for what they say, children are so innocent and born without judgement. The things they say are not meant in judgement but in wonder. They wonder about things, people, ways, words, thoughts, and everything inbetween. When they see something they have never seen before, experience something they have never experienced before, or hear something they have never heard before, be prepared for the questions.

We were in Kohls the other day and I saw a Dwarf family walk in. Now, I have seen this lady around town for years and the family actually lived in my old neighborhood. It is nothing new to me to see all 5  of them here and there. Knowing that Chica was wondering behind me as I look for the dress I was exchanging I momentarly thought to myself if she was starring. We continued to shop and again passed the family. Nothing was said, nothing caught my attention, nothing was asked.

As we are in the dressing room and Chica is dancing around and chit-chatting away she looks at me and says in all seriousness..

Chica: Mom, are Elfs real?
(first thing I thought was Elf on a Shelf.. being prepared to tell her the truth is she asked)
Me: Wll, what do you think?
Chica: I don't know
(It was the way she said it. She said it like she was completly torn on her opinion, like she really had no clue, as if she honestly didn't know.. That is when it hit me. The Dwarf family)

So I whisper:
me: are you talking about the little people we say
Chica: ::she nods her head::
me: they aren't elfs.. they are, well, I dont remember what they are called (I couldn't think of the word Darf) they are... little people..
Chica: :::slightly giggles::::  oh ok, but why are we whispering?
me: because we don't know who is in the dressing room and we don't want to hurt anyones feelings. they are people just like you and me, and we don't stare
Chica: ok but I didn't know we don't stare
me: thats ok

What a thought.. Are Elfs real? Kids say the darndest things.

And that is the first time my child has seen a Dawrf family. It got me wondering though, if she is really exposed to the world around her and the people in the world. She knows we are all different but the same in Gods eyes. She knows we all have our unique qualities. She knows that we are all people regardless of skin color, looks, and so on. She knows all this but has she really seen any of this?

Does she know a difference in skin color? well of course she does but she doesn't see people as different based on the color of their skin.  Since she was little she has been fascinated with Asian people so I know she sees differences in a person's features. But what about the physically challenged or the mentally challenged? Has she met anyone with Dawn Syndrome? Has she met a child with Cerbal Palsy? Has she ever seen a person with a fake leg? This are things I want for my child. For her to know and understand differences in people. For her to be kind to people regardless of their differences. I know in time she will see, meet, and experience different people. I know in time her curiosity won't be so simple. I know in time, she will ask and wonder more. I just hope she does not judge. As humans, we judge. We judge based on looks, actions, and materialistic things. I pray that my child will learn not to judge. Learn to love people. Learn to get to know them before an opinion is made. I hope she not only learns to love all people but she is an example to other kids and teaches them to love all people. We are all the same in God's eyes. We are all worth while and amazing. We all deserve a chance, kindness, and love. I hope her simple innocence stays with her as long as possible.

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