Monday, September 23, 2013

She called S a FLY

I know I know, it has been longer than it should be for an update.. but here we are. UPDATING

Really I just wanted to write down what M said tonight. Silly little girl

EC and S are girls in her class.

M:  EC really is mean
me: oh, really? Why?
M: she called S a fly
at this moment I stared at her waiting.. waiting for their to be more.. but there wasn't
me: a fly? Like as in the bug?
M: YES! AND she told S that she is 5 but really she is 6
me: oh..
M: AND, she told S that she deserved it
me: oh no, what did EC do?
M: she told me
me: told you? Why didn't she go to the choices wheel (the wheel post)
M: we were at lunch
me: oh, what did you do?
M: I told EC that she was being a little bit mean.
me: hum.. well, that is nice of you to stick up for S
M: yea, I mean.. right now EC is my half friend but if she keeps being mean then she wont be my friend at all

a fly huh? I'd like to be a fly.. a fly on the wall to hear my child's conversations

Side note: she asked for a drink with dinner. When I handed her water, she looked at me crazy and said.  "Umm Mom, I was hoping for some lime juice. I love lime juice"  yes, she means lime juice out of a lime or the bottles kind you cook with. Crazy kid. and NO I didn't get her a glass of lime juice

Just some random pictures

Here are a few random pictures that pertain to school:

What does the above picture have to do with school? She has on her school skirt duh.  The actual picture represents something completle off school topic. It is the first time that her and I used the restroom in stalls next to each other instead of in the same one. She has been going in the stall out in public for about 4 months now but I usually stand outside the door. This time there wasn't anyone else in the restroom, we both had to go, so boom.. there we go.. HUGE DEAL just to let you know

waiting in car line

I spy in car line

another picture that isn't school related other than her clothes. BUT.. this reminds me of my sister. She use to drive me crazy becuase she would watch TV while laying down and putting her feet in the air. It always blocked my view of the TV. Other times she would watch TV just like this. I am pretty sure she  still does this when she is alone

I spy in car line

Every day when she walks past me while I am waiting in car line. Getting there 45 minutes early is worth it when I get this smile. I am going to miss carline so much when I go to externs. 

Just chilling in school uniform

She refused to look at me for her day three of Yoga. I guess the sun was "too bright"

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Positive Self Talk

The past week or two have been spend talking about trying our best. She has made it clear when something she does is easy. Saying things like "I mean, even a baby knows that" or "they could have picked some harder words". I have taken the time to explain to her how people may struggle at the things she is naturally good at and she will struggle at things others are good at. I want her to understand that she is not any better than her friends at school, or anyone in the world for that matter. All though, according to my husband and sister in law, her confidence may be a little high due to the fact that I tell her how pretty, smart, funny, and awesome she is multiple times a day. Ok, so.. I MAY play a part in her thinking she is the best. I MAY need to tone it down a little bit, but I mean, she really IS the prettiest smartest funniest girl in the world. She is not perfect but she is perfect for me.

Anyways..  some of the conversations have been about how other people can draw or write better than her and how it makes her feel like she isn't any good. Again, I have explained to her how we all have out strengths and they are always different than others.

So, on the way to school she was looking at her little paper that she writes her name on. The teacher grades it with a check mark, check minus, or a check plus. Chica stated "I really want to get a check plus" with this said, the conversation went into taking your time, beliving in yourself, and making something you want to happen come true. Then followed by a long intence discussion about "positive self talk". I left her at school that morning following that conversation and in all honesty, I didn't think twice about it once I left the parking lot.

That is until she got in the car that afternoon.

M: MOM, I got a check plus today
me: you did? For your name?
M: YES! and Z and I were the first ones to ever get a check plus
me: wonderful! Let me see it! Did you take your time and believe you could do it.
M:YES! Look  ::and she hands it to me::
me: oh my gosh M. That is wonderful. I am so proud of you. Did your teacher say somthing to you or to the class?
M: she said "we have our first two check pluses"
me: what did you do
M: I had a huge smile on my face
me: did your teacher say that or did you just smile
M: she said "and look at that huge smile on M's face"
me: that is amazing M. See.. you CAN do it. and what is that called?
M: Positive Self Talk

That is the only check plus she has had so far. I asked her why she hasn't had anymore and she said "I really don't want to take my time. I kinda want to just go play"

I am pretty proud to say the least. LOOK at that handwriting skills!

Monday, September 16, 2013


As most of you know, chica has done dance and horse back riding lessons. She will tell you how much she loves both of them and I will tell you how wonderful she was at both of them. I knew when school started she would do some type of after school activity but I just wasn't sure what. I figured with a new school, myself finishing up my last quarter of classes, and all of life's other changes.. we should go with something "easy".  Let me back up a little though. One of the many wonderful things about her school is they offer after school activites right there on school campus. This means, I do not have to take her anywhere. They get her to and from her activity. WONDERFUL.

So, what did we choose for our first Kindergarten afterschool activity? YOGA.. That is right people, they have yoga for kindergarteners. Jealous a little? I sure am.

First Yoga outfit

Some one looks like they got a good workout. Plus, they get a healthy snack afterwards. 
(2 more points school!.. one less thing I have to do for her after school)

Above are DAY ONE photos

Below are DAY TWO photos of her showing me what she learned

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Guinness Book of World Records

Chica's school is not officially in the 2014 Guinness Book of World Records.

Taken from the Guinness Book itself:

The largest cookie mosaic measures 126.21 m² (1,358.51 ft²) and was achieved by The Bright School and MoonPie (USA), in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, on 29 September 2012. Over 300 students participated in building the mosaic using 16,390 MoonPie snack cakes to celebrate The School's Centennial year.
Taken from the Times Free Press: (click the link for tons of detail)
Photo by Allison Love.

She was not a part of the record making but she is a part of celebrating it. The other day while in car line I noticed some moms setting up a table. Next thing I knew the intercom announced the celebration would take place for the World Records book. In the middle of the court yard was a big poster board and the actual book. Along with every child from her school outside in line to get ice cream. Luckily for me, the kindergarteners were lined up along the fence right beside my car! She had no idea that I could see her, which was nice because I was able to watch her interact with other kids.

Top picture she is eating her popsicle, bottom left she spots me before going inside, bottom right she is getting in line and has no idea I am sitting in the car next to her.  

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Exposed to the world?

This is not school related but it is learning related.

Remember that show Kids say the darndest things with Bill Cosby? I loved that show, too bad they don't make show like that anymore. The funny thing about that show is how true it is. Kids really do say the darndest things. We can't get upset with them for what they say, children are so innocent and born without judgement. The things they say are not meant in judgement but in wonder. They wonder about things, people, ways, words, thoughts, and everything inbetween. When they see something they have never seen before, experience something they have never experienced before, or hear something they have never heard before, be prepared for the questions.

We were in Kohls the other day and I saw a Dwarf family walk in. Now, I have seen this lady around town for years and the family actually lived in my old neighborhood. It is nothing new to me to see all 5  of them here and there. Knowing that Chica was wondering behind me as I look for the dress I was exchanging I momentarly thought to myself if she was starring. We continued to shop and again passed the family. Nothing was said, nothing caught my attention, nothing was asked.

As we are in the dressing room and Chica is dancing around and chit-chatting away she looks at me and says in all seriousness..

Chica: Mom, are Elfs real?
(first thing I thought was Elf on a Shelf.. being prepared to tell her the truth is she asked)
Me: Wll, what do you think?
Chica: I don't know
(It was the way she said it. She said it like she was completly torn on her opinion, like she really had no clue, as if she honestly didn't know.. That is when it hit me. The Dwarf family)

So I whisper:
me: are you talking about the little people we say
Chica: ::she nods her head::
me: they aren't elfs.. they are, well, I dont remember what they are called (I couldn't think of the word Darf) they are... little people..
Chica: :::slightly giggles::::  oh ok, but why are we whispering?
me: because we don't know who is in the dressing room and we don't want to hurt anyones feelings. they are people just like you and me, and we don't stare
Chica: ok but I didn't know we don't stare
me: thats ok

What a thought.. Are Elfs real? Kids say the darndest things.

And that is the first time my child has seen a Dawrf family. It got me wondering though, if she is really exposed to the world around her and the people in the world. She knows we are all different but the same in Gods eyes. She knows we all have our unique qualities. She knows that we are all people regardless of skin color, looks, and so on. She knows all this but has she really seen any of this?

Does she know a difference in skin color? well of course she does but she doesn't see people as different based on the color of their skin.  Since she was little she has been fascinated with Asian people so I know she sees differences in a person's features. But what about the physically challenged or the mentally challenged? Has she met anyone with Dawn Syndrome? Has she met a child with Cerbal Palsy? Has she ever seen a person with a fake leg? This are things I want for my child. For her to know and understand differences in people. For her to be kind to people regardless of their differences. I know in time she will see, meet, and experience different people. I know in time her curiosity won't be so simple. I know in time, she will ask and wonder more. I just hope she does not judge. As humans, we judge. We judge based on looks, actions, and materialistic things. I pray that my child will learn not to judge. Learn to love people. Learn to get to know them before an opinion is made. I hope she not only learns to love all people but she is an example to other kids and teaches them to love all people. We are all the same in God's eyes. We are all worth while and amazing. We all deserve a chance, kindness, and love. I hope her simple innocence stays with her as long as possible.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

A call from the School Counselor

Friday early afternoon I received a call from the school. I missed their call but noticed a voice mail was left. I am walking around my house trying to pack for the weekend when I hear a lady introduce herself as the school counselor and asking me to call her back. What? Really? This is only week two and she has already got in trouble for playing with her food. Of course I call back immediately and got ahold of the counselor. Thankfully it was just a check up call. She had met with chica (they meet with each child multiple times a year) and wanted to check on me and let me to know she is a delight. How wonderful of a school are they!? I mean, to get a call from the teacher during week one for a check up and then week two you get a call from the counselor. What other schools check on the parents and how they are adjusting to things? They just keep impressing me over and over.

That brings me to the question; How AM I adjusting?

I am wonderful. I feel so welcomed at her school. Every person seems to be extra nice and friendly. I mean, maybe they just want me to volunteer for the Fall Bonanza or sign up for other parent volunteer stuff but regardless, they are great.

She comes home singing new songs and talking about school. This is different then last year when she really just didn't have much to say. That could have been because they didn't really do to much but all is good. (side note: we loved her teacher from last year and she did learn a ton about the bible, which is always a wonderful thing)

I am jealous that I don't get to do things like wood shop and art class but I guess I can live through her right? That's my plan at least. This is going to be one amazing year.

cool thing:  instead of the kids telling the teachers when another kid does something or hurts their feelings, they encourage the kids to work it out. This is done by a wheel. The kids must attempt two different options before going to the teacher. On this wheel they have things like, the peace rug; kids sit don on this rug and take turns talking about their side of the situation. Going to Australia; one of the kids go sit in a chair from ikea and close the top of it and sit their until they are chilled out. They also have an option to make an I'm sorry card. Things to teach the kids about working things out. I love it.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Disappointment on her face

Chica: P and I can't be together any more

me: oh? What do you mean? Like at recess?

Chica: I'm afraid not

me: OH. did yall get in trouble or something?

the look that came over her face was somehting I have never seen before. PURE dissapointment in herself. It broke my heart. She has never gotten in trouble at school before. After 20 minutes of me trying to get her to tell me what she got in trouble for. After 20 minutes of huge tears in her eyes, her refusing to tell me or to say anything at all, and instead she was trying to hold her self together. After 20 minutes of me letting her know it is ok to get in trouble at school sometimes, all kids get in trouble, she is there all day five days a week, that it wont be the last time, and so on and so on. She ends up telling me that her and P were playing with their food (corn) by hiding it in their hand and making the other guess which hand it was in. Her teacher said something to the sorts of "yall can't be together" and my child took that as in they can't ever play/eat/sit/read/listen/ and everything else possible for forever. Poor little girl.

Often, I think about the things that she is going to experience and learn over the next year. I think about the moments she will be proud of herself and the moments she will be disappointed in herself. I wonder if I have prepared her for those moments. Of course, being her mom, I don't want her to deal with disappointment (from herself or anyone else) but I know that she must. She is a human, God made us able to deal with disappointment and she will only learn as she experiences it. The same goes for being proud. I have full confidence in my child. I know her strengths and weaknesses. I know her happiness and her nervousness. I know her success and her failures. I know she is and will be the type of person that is more angry and disappointed in herself than anyone else. I know that I will have to make the conscious effort to teach her that she doesn't need to be perfect.

It starts now, preparing her for being a kind, giving, understand, forgiving, loving, positive adult. It starts now, teaching her that life will not always be rainbows and butterflies. Life changes, we make mistakes, we hurt.. but it is what you do with it all. It won't be the last time she plays with her food. Heck, I play with my food and I am almost 30. It wont be the last time she gets in trouble (although she didn't really get in trouble) It wont be the last time her eyes fill with tears as she sits in disappointment of herself. All I can do is allow it to happen. Allow her to learn. Allow her to see the outcome. While I stand beside her with love and encouragement.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Car Line

This isn't our first car line experience. BUT, it is our first car line experience with the entire school. Last year, her school offered half days for preK, so when I picked her up in car line there were only a few other cars and it was just kids her age. Now it is different. Now I am line with all the other moms. Going to this private school means no bus rout. Not that I would want her on the bus but it just means every student is being picked up in car line.

Yes, I am that mom that gets to her school an hour before school is over. I am that mom that sits in care line jamming to music, reading a book, and doing school work. I am that mom that freaks out if it is 2:20 and I am not there yet.

I don't have to be first. Honestly, I am never first. I will sit in a parking space until another car gets first in line. I am second though, or third..fourth..fifth. As long as I am under 10, I am happy. Why?? Why are there moms like that? Well, for me.. I would rather sit in a still care, chill out for 45 minutes, catch a glimps of her walking to and from recess, be a first to pick her up, be home by 3:30 instead of sitting in stop and go car line for 30 minutes and get home at 4:00. It makes sense to me. I love it.

And this people, THIS is the joy of my day. Every day, THIS is what I see.

THIS is why I am THAT mom...

She knows I am first. She knows to look for me. It makes her giggle. It fills my heart with happiness. She loves it too.. I think

For some reason, blogger is still not letting me upload video. This is a bummer because I have the cutest video of her walking in line, giggling when she sees me, and then turning around and waving to me.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Half Friends

The first day chica told me about a boy she was friends with. She tells me that this boy was mean to another little girl (M) and yelled at her. After telling me the story, she states that she isn't going to be his friend because he is mean. I explained to her that they could still be friends but maybe she needs to kindly tell him to be nicer to people. That was on a Friday. Monday afternoon rolls around and we talk about her day as usual. In the middle of the conversation she is going on and on about her day and she says

"you know my half friend"
me: your what?
chica: my half friend.. you know, the boy that was mean to M
me: umm, yea. Is that what you call him? Your half friend?
chica: yea, because he is mean

The conversation went on longer but that is all I wanted to really talk about. Her "half friend" oh my goodness. How my child's brain works just simply amazes me. I get it though. She is half his friend becuase she is unsure if she wants to be his friend because he is mean to others. GO HER. I give her props.. she took my advice, stayed friends with him, but is going by her own judgement on if they should be friends. I take it her opinion is half right now?.?.

UPDATE:  chica and her half friend are no longer friends. "he yells at other kids all the time"

Well, good choice.. lets move on and find kinder friends!

  Princess kindergartener                                 We are going to miss each other today

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

back pack and cubby area

I have been meaning to take a picture of her cubby area. SO CUTE. I am not sure why she doesn't hang the back pack on the hook but o well. Notice underneath the cute nap mat she has! Folder up top, back pack in the middle, extra clothes in the tub, and nap mat on bottom. 

I love it. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

First Day

August 16th
 side note: it is no surprise that I am not the best speller but come to find out (on my own) I have been spelling kindergarten wrong since... well, forever. Great.. GREAT. her first day of school picture and look what I did. Puzzeling thing: not a single person has told me that I spell it wrong. Come on people, you know I want to be told about my spelling mistakes. It is the only way I learn.

Her first day
When I grow up I want to be a vet, a teacher, and a mom.

I do walk her to the classroom. It is not required and actually it is not encouraged but heck, when else will I be able to walk my daughter to class? She is my only child, this is a once in a life time thing here. My first and last kindergartener. I'll take full advantage of it now because next year she will be in the main building and I wont be able to walk her. (1st grade.. ahhhh)

Carline! I got to see her walking back to class and she spotted me!

First Day was a huge success. I am so thankful for this school and these teachers (I am thankful for all teachers out there. The majority of yall are amazing and have such warm hearts)

What she has to say:
Her first day was great. She made some new friends but one of the friends was mean to another little girl so she wont be friends with him anymore. (I explained she should still be his friend but to ask him if he could just be nicer) She went to PE and played games, had lunch in a cafiteria, had rest time on her new mat, and ate snack, then of course the beloved recess. 

She did so much to day. I am not use to her having so much to say about her day. 

I have video of her when she got in the car but blogger is not letting me upload it at this moment. Will update later so be sure to check back!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Registration Day

August 14th

Registration Day!

The day we got to meet her teachers. Registartion started outside the school in the courtyard? area. It was crazy crowded. Luckily we got their early of course so we were able to sign up for Yoga and parent volunteer things along with purchasing a ton of school items. (tshirts, water bottle, grab bag.. and so on) Then the doors opened for the kids to go crazy. Her school post the list on the outside of each classroom. I had no idea where her class was and wondered in the hall for a while. There are only 2 kindergarten classes and each class has 15 students and 2 teachers. Pretty awesome right?

Anyways, we found her teacher. For blogging.. I will call her Mrs. C (and Mrs. H). A little girl we met at the yoga table told chica that she hopes she gets Mrs. C because when she was in kindergarten (last year) that is who she had and she is the best teacher ever. Although I am sure both classes are great, we might have just hit the loto according to a 1st grader. 

As you can probably see, and as most people know, I don't really look my age. Actually, the reactions I get when I say my age is quite humorus. I should record it one day. But yes people, I am 27 years old.. a few months short of 28 years old. Looking young is a blessing and there is nothing I can do about it. With that said, I do try to dress more "mom-ish" here and there. It is pretty much my last half of 2013 and all of 2014 goal. (dressing like an adult mom instead of an early 20's mom) 

Can't go wrong with white capris and a silky black button up

And there she is. Sitting at a table, getting her coloring on while I head to the gym for some meeting. The best part of the meeting (other than I "made friends" with another mom) is that they introduce the kindergarteners. While I would post the video.. there are other kids on it and the first and last names are said so I am not really comfortable posting other kids information like that without their parents knowing. So, if you want to see the video.. just text me

It was a fun and exciting day. I think I may love registration day in the future. A little overwhelming at moments but all in all it was great.