Friday, August 16, 2013

First Day

August 16th
 side note: it is no surprise that I am not the best speller but come to find out (on my own) I have been spelling kindergarten wrong since... well, forever. Great.. GREAT. her first day of school picture and look what I did. Puzzeling thing: not a single person has told me that I spell it wrong. Come on people, you know I want to be told about my spelling mistakes. It is the only way I learn.

Her first day
When I grow up I want to be a vet, a teacher, and a mom.

I do walk her to the classroom. It is not required and actually it is not encouraged but heck, when else will I be able to walk my daughter to class? She is my only child, this is a once in a life time thing here. My first and last kindergartener. I'll take full advantage of it now because next year she will be in the main building and I wont be able to walk her. (1st grade.. ahhhh)

Carline! I got to see her walking back to class and she spotted me!

First Day was a huge success. I am so thankful for this school and these teachers (I am thankful for all teachers out there. The majority of yall are amazing and have such warm hearts)

What she has to say:
Her first day was great. She made some new friends but one of the friends was mean to another little girl so she wont be friends with him anymore. (I explained she should still be his friend but to ask him if he could just be nicer) She went to PE and played games, had lunch in a cafiteria, had rest time on her new mat, and ate snack, then of course the beloved recess. 

She did so much to day. I am not use to her having so much to say about her day. 

I have video of her when she got in the car but blogger is not letting me upload it at this moment. Will update later so be sure to check back!

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