Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Positive Self Talk

The past week or two have been spend talking about trying our best. She has made it clear when something she does is easy. Saying things like "I mean, even a baby knows that" or "they could have picked some harder words". I have taken the time to explain to her how people may struggle at the things she is naturally good at and she will struggle at things others are good at. I want her to understand that she is not any better than her friends at school, or anyone in the world for that matter. All though, according to my husband and sister in law, her confidence may be a little high due to the fact that I tell her how pretty, smart, funny, and awesome she is multiple times a day. Ok, so.. I MAY play a part in her thinking she is the best. I MAY need to tone it down a little bit, but I mean, she really IS the prettiest smartest funniest girl in the world. She is not perfect but she is perfect for me.

Anyways..  some of the conversations have been about how other people can draw or write better than her and how it makes her feel like she isn't any good. Again, I have explained to her how we all have out strengths and they are always different than others.

So, on the way to school she was looking at her little paper that she writes her name on. The teacher grades it with a check mark, check minus, or a check plus. Chica stated "I really want to get a check plus" with this said, the conversation went into taking your time, beliving in yourself, and making something you want to happen come true. Then followed by a long intence discussion about "positive self talk". I left her at school that morning following that conversation and in all honesty, I didn't think twice about it once I left the parking lot.

That is until she got in the car that afternoon.

M: MOM, I got a check plus today
me: you did? For your name?
M: YES! and Z and I were the first ones to ever get a check plus
me: wonderful! Let me see it! Did you take your time and believe you could do it.
M:YES! Look  ::and she hands it to me::
me: oh my gosh M. That is wonderful. I am so proud of you. Did your teacher say somthing to you or to the class?
M: she said "we have our first two check pluses"
me: what did you do
M: I had a huge smile on my face
me: did your teacher say that or did you just smile
M: she said "and look at that huge smile on M's face"
me: that is amazing M. See.. you CAN do it. and what is that called?
M: Positive Self Talk

That is the only check plus she has had so far. I asked her why she hasn't had anymore and she said "I really don't want to take my time. I kinda want to just go play"

I am pretty proud to say the least. LOOK at that handwriting skills!

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